Gunasekhar's Prestigious Film 'Rudramma Devi is said to be one of the top Anticipated
Films of Tollywood Film Industry.The Film has huge Actors and Actress to be
seen in quite interesting Roles.The Total Film
is being made as the First historical Entertainer of India Film
Industry in 3D format,Director is
spending huge amount for the 3D
graphics of the Film.
Anushka Playing Title Role in the film as
Rudramma Devi'.Telugu Films Veteran Rebel Star Krishnam Raju will be playing as
her father. Stylish Star Allu Arjun will also acting as a role of 'Gona
Gannareddy'in a Guest Appearance while Catherine will be playing opposite to
Allu Arjun in a cameo Role.Music Maestro Ilayaraja providing music to this
movie.Gunasekhar is Directing film as well as producing the Film on Guna Team
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